Leaf: The flattened structure of a higher plant, usually green and blade-like.
Category: Italian Word of the Day
Saggezza – Italian Word of the Day!
Wisdom: The ability to make sound judgments based on knowledge and experience.
Sognare – Italian Word of the Day!
Dream: To experience a series of images and sensations in the mind during sleep.
Zucchero – Italian Word of the Day!
Sugar: A sweet substance used as a food additive or sweetener.
Acqua – Italian Word of the Day!
Water: A transparent, tasteless, and odorless liquid essential for life.
Segno – Italian Word of the Day! – Segno
Sign: A mark or gesture used to convey information or instruction.
I Fiorente – Italian Word of the Day!
Flourishing: Growing or developing in a healthy or vigorous way.
Pianoforte – Italian Word of the Day!
Piano: A musical instrument with keys that produce sound when struck.
Riso – Italian Word of the Day!
Laughter: The sound produced by the expression of joy or amusement.
Soleggiato – Italian Word of the Day!
Sunny: Characterized by a lot of sunlight; opposite of cloudy.