Secretary: A person who performs administrative tasks and assists with correspondence.
Italian Word of the Day! – Antico
Ancient: Extremely old, often with historical significance.
Italian Word of the Day! – Ricerca
Research: Systematic investigation to discover new knowledge or facts.
Italian Word of the Day! – Cometa
Comet: A celestial object with a glowing head and tail when it approaches the sun.
Italian Word of the Day! – Giardino
Garden: A piece of ground cultivated for growing flowers, fruits, or vegetables.
Italian Word of the Day! – Fuggire
Escape: To break free or avoid something unwanted.
Italian Word of the Day! – Giungla
Jungle: A dense, overgrown area of land with abundant vegetation.
Italian Word of the Day! – Eleganza
Elegance: Graceful and stylish beauty in appearance or manner.
Italian Word of the Day! – Rovescio
Flip: To turn something upside down or reverse its position.
Italian Word of the Day! – Paese
Country: A nation or area of land with its own government and boundaries.
Italian Word of the Day! – Rifugio
Refuge: A safe place providing shelter and protection.
Italian Idiom of the Day! – Prendere il toro per le corna
Italian Idiom of the Day!: Prendere il toro per le corna
Italian Word of the Day! – Treno
Train: A connected series of railroad cars traveling on tracks.
Italian Idiom of the Day! – Chi si volta, e’ perduto
Italian Idiom of the Day!: Chi si volta, perduto
Italian Word of the Day! – Spazio
Space: The vast, seemingly infinite expanse that exists beyond Earth.