Italian Idiom of the Day!: Chi si volta, perduto
Tag: learnitaliansingapore
Spazio – Italian Word of the Day!
Space: The vast, seemingly infinite expanse that exists beyond Earth.
Italian Idiom of the Day! – Innamorarsi a prima vista
Italian Idiom of the Day!: Innamorarsi a prima vista
Passeggiare – Italian Word of the Day!
Stroll: To walk leisurely, often for pleasure or exercise.
Caccia – Italian Word of the Day!
Hunt: The act of pursuing and capturing animals for food or sport.
Italian Idiom of the Day! – Avere la testa tra le nuvole
Italian Idiom of the Day!: Avere la testa tra le nuvole
Rispetto – Italian Word of the Day!
Respect: A feeling of admiration and consideration for others.
Foglia – Italian Word of the Day!
Leaf: The flattened structure of a higher plant, usually green and blade-like.
Saggezza – Italian Word of the Day!
Wisdom: The ability to make sound judgments based on knowledge and experience.
Sognare – Italian Word of the Day!
Dream: To experience a series of images and sensations in the mind during sleep.
Zucchero – Italian Word of the Day!
Sugar: A sweet substance used as a food additive or sweetener.
Italian Idiom of the Day! – Mettersi il cappello in testa
Italian Idiom of the Day!: Mettersi il cappello in testa
power quotes – Il potere è come un liquore forte: può ubriacare chi lo beve.
Italian quotes about power - "Il potere è come un liquore forte: può ubriacare chi lo beve."